CPAP harnesses

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Intersurgical offers two CPAP harnesses which are available in sizes small and medium/large adult.

What is CPAP?
Constant Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is used to administer fresh gas to the patient through the entire respiratory cycle and can be given to a spontaneously breathing patient using a face mask, or an endotracheal tube.

The purpose of CPAP is to increase Functional Residual Capacity (FRC), increase blood oxygenation and reduce
patient ‘Work of Breathing’ (WOB). CPAP is generally used:
- When oxygen alone will not allow the patient to maintain an adequate PaO2 level
- To mobilize secretions that have built up
- To treat atalectasis.

It is also used as a treatment in spontaneously breathing patients or as an option when weaning a patient from the


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