Guedel airways

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Safer by design

By using the latest manufacturing technology we have produced the first major breakthrough in Guedel airway design for thirty years.  Combining two materials with very different physical characteristics into one molding, our One-Piece design eliminates the separate bite block found in all conventional Guedel airways.

Loose or detached bite blocks can constitute a real threat to patient safety. Our One-piece design overcomes all of the associated risks, as well as improved safety. The One-piece also incorporates a soft tip reducing the risk of trauma to the patient.

Our one-piece Guedel range is also fully compliant to the color coding guidance outlined in ISO 5364:2016

    • ISO Size 3.5: Changed from Pink to Light Green
    • ISO Size 6.5: Changed from White to Brown
    • ISO Size 7.0: Changed from Yellow to White
    • ISO Size 9.0: Changed from Orange to Yellow


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