LoFloSorb™ - medical grade alkali-hydroxide-free carbon dioxide absorbent

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A uniquely designed medical grade CO2 absorbent that contains no Alkali Hydroxide.

LoFloSorb™ eliminates the risk associated with reactions with volatile anesthetics.

Features and Benefits:
  • LoFloSorb™ contains no Potassium Hydroxide and no Sodium Hydroxide.
  • LoFloSorb™ is made of 3-4mm spheres processed to minimize potential dusting.
  • LoFloSorb™ offers a very stable green to violet color change.
LoFloSorb™’s chemical formulation has been developed to provide CO2 absorption without the need for any alkali hydroxide. It provides complete protection against the potential problems of use within the medical environment. LoFloSorb™ offers excellent CO2 absorption, however, its duration of use will be less than Spherasorb™ or Intersorb Plus.

LoFloSorb™ has a long history of use within anesthesia and meets all the requirements of the United States and British Pharmacopoeias.


View the CO2 absorbents compatability table

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