IS Can™ - 1kg pre-filled disposable carbon dioxide absorber

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The IS Can™ offers ease of exchange with minimal handling and provides a further option for customers who have made the choice to use pre-fills. The IS Can™ is compatible with GE Healthcare® anesthetic machines; Aisys®, Aespire® and Avance® and also the GE ADU® machine.

The IS Can™ is provided with a choice of Spherasorb™ medical grade soda lime or LoFloSorb™, medical grade alkali-hydroxide-free absorbent.

View the CO2 absorbents compatability table

GE Healthcare and GE are registered trademarks of General Electric Company. Aisys, Aespire and Avance are registered trademarks of Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.  ADU is a trademark of Datex-Ohmeda, Inc. Datex-Ohmeda, Inc. is a General Electric company.



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