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We have put together an Absorbents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document which includes the questions listed below.  To review the answers please click on the FAQ button below to open the comprehensive interacive PDF, then click on the relevant question on the title page to navigate to the corresponding answer.  

CO2 absorbents FAQs - interactive PDF

1.  What are the differences and benefits between Spherasorb™ and standard soda lime?

2.  What are the differences and benefits between LoFloSorb™ and standard soda lime?

3.  Why don’t Intersurgical absorbents contain Calcium Chloride?

4.  How long does the CO2 absorbent last?

5.  Is color change a reliable indicator of exhaustion and when to change the CO2 absorbent?

6.  Why does the exhausted color fade and/or disappear overnight?

7.  Can CO2 absorbents be regenerated?

8.  How does LoFloSorb absorb CO2 without any alkali hydroxide?

9.  How does LoFloSorb achieve a stable color change?

10. Why does moisture build up, especially during low flow anesthesia?

11.  What is the recommended disposal method for CO2 absorbent?

12.  Are there transport restrictions for CO2 absorbents?

13.  What is the benefit of a spherical shape.

14.  Are Intersurgical CO2 absorbents compatible with all volatile anesthetics and can they be used at minimal/basal fresh gas flows?

15.  What causes reaction with volatile anesthetics?

16.  Why do only very dry CO2 absorbents react with volatile anesthetics?

17.  What is the critical level of dryness of the CO2 absorbent at which reactions with volatile anesthetics can occur?

18.  Does normal use of absorbents within anesthesia cause drying out?

19. How can drying out of CO2 absorbents be avoided?

20. Is it really necessary to use absorbents without any alkali-hydroxide to ensure safety with volatile anesthetics?

21. What are the storage condition limits?

22. Is there a maximum time by which an absorber should be discarded regardless of degree of use?

23. Which is the better to use, Spherasorb™ or LoFloSorb™?

24. What are the chemical reaction involved in absorbing CO2?

25. What is a Sodium Zeolite?

26. How does Sodium Zeolite act as a pH buffer in Spherasorb?

27. How does Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) enable a greater carbon dioxide capacity compared to Alkali-hydroxide-free absorbents.

To find out more about our CO2 absorbents range please navigate through our interactive website landing page or get in touch.


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